We write to say that our fantastic new system BAT is now complete, and ready for you to log in.

The system is called BAT, which stands for Broker Admin Technology, and the system is available to you with your current Reever log in (If you are a GDPR client please use a 2 at the end of your email like so johnsmith@example.com2 and use your current Reever password). The system will replace Reever in full on Sunday 12th May.
The current log ins are test log ins, and the information you put there today will be voided on the 12th May when your REAL information will be transferred across.
We are also offering a GDPR suite at a small additional fee which will help to keep you compliant. This suite will enable you to stay compliant and prove your compliance with GDPR. This GDPR suite can only be enabled after 12th May when all your important data will be transferred across. Under GDPR we also need to provide you with an up to date terms of business – and this will be personalised and sent out to you in individual emails by the Directors of IFAC, John and Charlie.
BAT is a comprehensive online tool that provides a centralised repository which allows you to securely manage your practice. It also has intergrations to other systems such as Twenty7Tec, iPipeline and Defaqto. The system has been completely rewritten from ground up, which means that the code is more secure and more reliable than ever before. It also now includes both front and back office support.
BAT Key Features:
- Client Management System
- New Business Log
- Turnover Log
- Online Exams and CPD
- Custom Online Fact Finds
- Perfom Defaqto research, iPipeline Quotes, 27Tec Mortgage Sourcing (Available with our Silver and Gold Packages)
- Create Suitability Reports (Available with our Silver and Gold Packages)
- File Checks (Available with our Gold Package)
- Gabriel Returns (Available with our Gold Package)
There will be training available to all on Tuesday 15th May at 10am and weekly thereafter.