No win no fee complaint handling for you.
We handle complaints that have gone to FOS against you.
We handle complaints that are coming from FOS to you.
We handle complaints that you want to make about other IFAs
We handle complaints that you want to make about providers
We handle complaints that you want to make about other professionals.
We handle the whole process, or just provide advice.
Mostly this work goes via
These are done all inclusive for members
or as a one off if you are the appellant...
For too long IFAs have taken the wrong end of the stick, and been held liable when the providers slide off into the night.
Keydata, AIG, Arch Cru, Capita, UCIS schemes, they have all dumped onto the IFA market and thousands have gone bust on these cases - normally due to inadequate PII cover or claims. It is time IFAs stood up and took control of their practices and took complaints to the providers for a resolution.
The fee for helping you will be 20% of a successful claim. NO win, no fee.
Fee payable within 14 days of receipt of the compensation.
We would spend a lot of time building the case into a file to show to the other party.
This must be in a format sufficient to take the case all the way through the court system without changing your story later. We do the work, build your case and then press submit and keep appealing until we get it resolved. Even taking a case to the high court costs less than £200 payable in court fees. We are para-legal and cannot represent you in person in these courts, but we will build the case and submit in your name, with copies to us. You retain control at all times, and 90% of cases are settled without having to turn up in court in person. Anyway, if you do, they will pay your expenses assuming you win.
If you are keen, please cut and paste the text above with the quote (20% etc) into this link...
If you send us an apply we will send you a confirmation email shortly after that and start work on it immediately.
This then binds us to confidentiality and we will be in touch shortly afterwards to ask you for the files.